Welcome to my blog...

Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Top 5 States who have purchased my book - FL, TX, MD, VA, and MI - Thanks!

The New Contest is "Finish the 50 States!" So far, 32 states and Canada have been documented to have purchased a book. If you get 3 people from the following states to buy a book from my website http://www.ryannwatters.com/ and put your name in the "special instructions" block, then you can pick one of the books off of my "Shelfari" bookshelf for FREE! Coincidentally, they are all part of the Fantasy Fiction Tour http://www.fantasyfictiontour.com/. Here are the 18 states I am missing: Arkansas, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missiouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakoto, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.

I'll post updates and remove states as we fill them. Hurry up, because a state can only be filled once! ER

Television Interview on "The Good Life"

The following is an interview of me on Central Florida's "The Good Life." It was apparent by the questions and passion, that the interviewers had read my book. I hope this helps you get to know a little more about me and the passion I have for what I write. Please pass it along to friends. This is part one and part two follows.
Part 1

Part 2

Monday, June 23, 2008

The 2008 Fantasy Fiction Tour

Last summer, Christian fantasy authors Bryan Davis, Christopher Hopper, Sharon Hinck, and Wayne Thomas Batson drew swords together and toured from Atlanta, GA to New York City, NY. Along the way, they met hundreds of readers, signed innumerable books, and garnered press from the A.P., RNS, Reuters, The Washington Post, and Fox National TV! One national correspondent even asked the question, "Could the Next Harry Potter be a Devout Christian?"That was Fantasy Fiction Tour 2007, and it was a smashing success. For readers of fantasy, what could be better than having four fantasy authors in one place at the same time? Try doubling the number of authors! Can you wrap your brain around eight EIGHT fantasy authors {well armed with swords, I might add} touring together?!!

This year, I have been humbled as a first time author, to be invited to join this merry band as we head to the West Coast, Oct. 4-12!

With the four additional authors added to last year’s lineup: Donita K. Paul, L.B. Graham, Jonathan Rogers and me. Together, we are the Motiv8. 8 Authors, 8 Different Publishers, 8 Days and 8 Cities in, yes... 2008!

Allow me to make the introductions in case you don't know some of them. Starting at the top left of the picture above, they are: Donita K. Paul, Wayne Thomas Batson, Jonathan Rogers, Bryan Davis, (now bottom row, left to right) a very handsome young man casually resting against an austere, yet pensive facade, L.B. Graham, Sharon Hinck and Christopher Hopper.

You can read all about all of the authors on our Meet The Authors page on the Official 2008 Fantasy Fiction Tour Website!
The website itself is about to get a massive overhaul and we’ll be issuing HTML banner ads very soon for you to put up on your websites and blogs to help us promote the tour. If you’re press, you can find the official Press Release here.
We look forward to your comments and can’t wait to see everyone on the road! During the tour itself you can follow along with us on the daily Video Journal, and if you missed last year’s–no worries–you can watch the entire collection in the 2007 Video Journal Library.Much, much more to come. Stay tuned and visit the Fantasy Fiction Tour Website often for new original features, interviews, blogs, and contests!

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1