Clackity Clack Clack... goes my keyboard as I go back and continue revisions on book 2. I was a tad premature on turning in my manuscript (see previous blog entry). With the friends I have made in the Christian Fantasy genre, I was honored to have Donita K Paul, offer her assistance in "polishing" my latest work. So now, we are going back and forth daily on two chapters of my book and all I can say is that it is a fantastic blessing.
Donita is awesome and I get a kick out of the comments she makes in regards to my story as well as the suggestions. This will not delay the printing process, but I guarantee that it will make book 2 a more enjoyable read!
Off to the right we have my version of "Sorcha." One of the key characters in book 2. As you can see from my screen saver above that, I really like White Dragons! I have several other characters from my book in plastic figurines, which I custom paint for realism and motivation.

Here is a close up...
If you want to see more, let me know and I'll put a few up of Ryann, riding the Pegasus, Adain, also in book 2 and the main character, Carwyn, who is a white unicorn.