Welcome to my blog...

Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book 2 is off to the Printers!

The count down has begun! My manuscript has gone through final approvals and is now off to the printer! Coming in at a whopping 400 pages, it will be almost twice the fun as book one! Ryann Watters and the Shield of Faith is going to be in stores on May 5th but I will be receiving early release copies on April 15th! Yes, there is a bright spot for tax day this year.

I will be making the book available for a SPECIAL Pre-release discount if you order early and your signed copy will be mailed out on the 16th and 17th! Please spread the word! Check http://www.ryannwatters/ next week!

I thought you'd enjoy a sneak peak at the title page treatment!

Thanks, Eric

Monday, March 9, 2009

Final cover layout and typesetting

The final cover layout is concluding this week and I am very happy with the results. The final piece of the puzzle was trying to find a picture of me that didn't scare away potential readers! Actually, it was hard to get the right photo this time. For "The King's Sword," I raced over to Mount Dora and had a tourist walking down the street snap a few pictures and one of them worked great.

This time around I have been to Mount Dora three times and think I finally have the right photo. It was so sunny each time that I had a hard time keeping my eyes open and since I have foregone a professional photographer, complete with shading screens, proper artificial lighting, etc., the job was a little more difficult.

My 10 year old son, Kyler took the pics yesterday and I am choosing between the two here. I'm leaning more towards the casual one of me sitting down.

Weigh in with your opinion if you like!

I took a few others while out at lighthouse point (see sign and birds). My desire with each of my books was to capture a unique place in Mount Dora (the setting for the book). Book one was taken in front of the old bookstore (now out of business) and for book 2 there is so much that takes place near the town's landmark lighthouse, that I wanted to have my picture taken with it in the background.

More updates coming this week... including excerpts of book 2. I am in talks with the web designer now and there are some cool additions coming!

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1