Welcome to my blog...

Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meeting Cover Artist Corey Wolfe!

On my recent family vacation to the Northwest, I had the pleasure to meet my cover artist, Corey Wolfe, "in the flesh." Corey lives just across the river from Portland, OR, in Washington and has a very cool art studio out back behind his house. The picture above includes a lifesize model of the Silver Surfer (Corey bought it from a movie theatre after seeing the film - the surfboard alone is 9' feet long!).
To this point, Corey and I had only dialogued and e-mailed in regards to the cover of "Ryann Watters and the King's Sword." You can see the making of the cover in the section "Artist's Corner" at http://www.ryannwatters.com/. As you can see from the photo, Corey wasn't a finalist for an NBA team :) but he isn't short on talent!
We were able to sit down for awhile and discuss the cover for book 2 in The Annals of Aeliana series, "Ryann Watters and the Shield of Faith." He has sent me the first draft and it looks really cool! I just finished Chapter 9 and my plans are to have it completed in November so that we can have a Spring pre-release (at my site and book signings) and then a store release May 1, 2009. After 9 Chapters, book 2 is already almost the length of book 1, so look for a much longer read this time around.
Other cool stuff... check out my new Zazzle store (thanks to Donita K Paul for telling me how to set it up) at http://www.zazzle.com/ericreinhold. I will continue to update it with fantasy art stuff (my characters, dragons, and so on!). EJR

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High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1