The publisher has not put the title on yet...
but the top half will be the front side of the book cover and the bottom half will be on the back.
As in book 1, I like this format, because then I can make cool bookmarkers. In fact, they just came in!
"Ryann Watters and the Shield of Faith" will be out in the Spring of 2009. The above scene is from Chapter 16. Ryann is riding the White Pegasus -- Adain, and Liddy and Terell are riding the little mentioned White Dragon from book 1 -- Sorcha. The new villian is a Black Unicorn by the name of Narcissus.
I love the background with the two moons and the detail of the castle, just peaking around the side of the mountain. Your thoughts?
That's a really cool cover.
I do have one question- who is shooting the fireball and which way is it headed? (I'm assuming dragonthing to Ryann, but wasn't completly sure)
*jumps around excitedly* It looks so COOL!
So ... what's the white unicorn's name?!? :D
Oh Kayla, Ryan is shooting the firebolt at one of those bat creature thingys.
pais charos is right. Ryann is using (oops give a way) button 5 from his staff to shoot the fireball at the bats. This scene takes place in Chapter 16 of Book 2.
So awesome! I need to buy he first book and then the second one.
That cover looks awesome!
Sweet! That cover looks really cool. I like how you've done both covers, where the back is an extension of the front. Much more fun that way.
My brother and I (and now a couple of our friends too) really enjoyed the first book in the series. We are looking forward to the next! Our favorite part was how you used Scripture in the story. Not only did Ryann actually learn more of God's Word but also it acted as clues to follow. I also liked how you used the "Word" as God's name. Very different from the usual conventions!
Eric thanks for taking the time to reply to my request to read my first two chapters and give me recommendations.
It looks really awesome!!! I can't wait to see it on the finished book.
Pretty awesome, much better, in my opinion, than the last. Can't wait to read it.
Tell the artist, keep up the good work.
WOW! You never see enough battle scenes on book covers nowadays.
What a powerful image. Great artistry. I wish you weren't going to cut it in half, though, for front and back covers. Will the whole picture appear anywhere else within the book?
Good question Nina, actually I have very beautiful bookmarkers that are oversized and available now. If you send my blog link to ten of your friends then you can e-mail me with your mailing address and I'll send you one for free!
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