Welcome to my blog...

Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Interior Artist - Jared Sloger - Introduced!

I'm excited to officially announce, Jared Sloger, as my new interior artist. Jared is from Omaha, NE and we met through my brother, Baron, initially. Baron attended Jared's church (his father Lou, happens to be the pastor of ,Grace Baptist Church Of Papillion). I received a phonecall asking if I could help connect Lou and Jared to people in Orlando when they came to Central Florida to visit colleges and the famous "Full Sail" art school. Short story... I put them in touch with a few connections, but as I was looking over Jared's work (he graduated from Metropolitan Community College with an Associates Degree last year)

I recognized his talent and asked him if he would like to showcase his work in the form of doing the chapter pictures for book 2 in my series.

Innitially I was going to have 20 chapters in book 2, so Jared was going to complete that many. As I finished the book, I realized it was twice as long and the chapters needed to be broken down. So instead of 20 chapters, book 2 has 39 chapters. I am pleased to announce that instead of small chapter pictures, I have worked with the publisher to have full page artwork included for many of the chapters.

I know Jared would love to get your feedback. You can find him at http://www.jaredsloger.com/

and see other artwork in various genres. I will also have a new artist's corner in the revised website, which should be out sometime in mid to late March. You can also find some of Jared's work on my Facebook page. Just log into Facebook and type in my name and you'll find me!

I've enclosed a few pics for book 2 and will continue to roll out more as we approach publication date. Thanks! Eric

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More of Mount Dora!

I made another trek over to Mount Dora to take a few more pics. The publisher wanted some retakes for the inside cover of book 2.

No... this picture won't be in the book! Just me having a little fun with my version of Ryann's sword and shield. That is the real shield for book 2. It's on the front cover.

My daughter, Kara, took a bunch of shots and in the end, while some were very good... the sun was causing me to squint. Soooooo... this weekend we took some more photos inside with decent lighting and they're going to photoshop me out and then back in! You blog followers are now in the know.

If you've read book one, then you know that the lighthouse in Mount Dora is a key landmark - well in book 2, it's even more so.

The pic on the left is of my son, Kyler. We had a fun time walking around town and getting a free cupcake from the shop I mentioned in the previous post!


If you haven't entered contest number 7 yet, then do it now! Send your answers to eric@ryannwatters.com. All of the answers are here on the blog. Here are the questions:


1. Who is the new interior artist for book 2?
2. What is the name of the football player who is a client of mine?

3. What character is sitting on my keyboard?
4. Who is on the cover of the comic book I am holding on my trip to New York City?

5. What Super Hero is in the background of the picture of me and cover artist Corey Wolfe?

EXTRA: What is your favorite book by another author who was on the Fantasy Fiction Tour with me? (Blog and fantasyfictiontour.com)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Great Day to Visit Mount Dora!


My son, Kyler and I headed over to Mount Dora today. For those up north, I'm sorry to rub it in... but it was 78 degrees and Sunny! My first reason to make the trek, 20 miles over to Mount Dora, was to get some pictures taken for the expanded website (coming soon) and for the jacket cover of book 2. I wanted to get a picture of me by the lighthouse. I give you a preview in my next blog entry.

The other reason was to check out some of the newer stores I hadn't been in yet. My favorite shoppe today was by far - Cupcake Delights.

Judy is the owner and a super lady. I took quite a few pictures of she store and then went inside to introduce myself. It ends up that she has a 6th grader, Taylor, so I gave her a copy of my book. In return, she treated me to a few cupcakes for my kids. So... if you make your way to Mount Dora when your visiting Orlando, be sure to stop in, say hello to Judy, and tell her you read about Cupcake Delights on my blog!

If you want a “bakers’ cupcake” that will melt in your mouth and disappear long before you're ready for it to (causing you to try another) then stop by. You’ll get a warm welcome and a mighty fine cupcake.

Judy lives in Mount Dora, Florida with her husband Kyle and their daughter Taylor. She knew Mount Dora was a perfect place to start a cupcake shop. It’s a great little town and an awesome place to visit!

I couldn't agree with these comments more. I have a dream of buying a place in Mount Dora one day and opening up a bookstore / coffee shoppe. Help me sell a million copies and it's a done deal :)
By the way... you can slobber all over your keyboard by checking them out on the web at:

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1