I'm excited to officially announce, Jared Sloger, as my new interior artist. Jared is from Omaha, NE and we met through my brother, Baron, initially. Baron attended Jared's church (his father Lou, happ
ens to be the pastor of ,Grace Baptist Church Of Papillion). I received a phonecall asking if I could help connect Lou and Jared to people in Orlando when they came to Central Florida to visit colleges and the famous "Full Sail" art school. Short story... I put them in touch with a few connections, but as I was looking over Jared's work (he graduated from Metropolitan Community College with an Associates Degree last year)
I know Jared would love to get your feedback. You can find him at http://www.jaredsloger.com/

I recognized his talent and asked him if he would like to showcase his work in the form of doing the chapter pictures for book 2 in my series.
Innitially I was going to have 20 chapters in book 2, so Jared was going to complete that many. As I finished the book, I realized it was twice as long and the chapters needed to be broken down. So instead of 20 chapters, book 2 has 39 chapters. I am pleased to announce that instead of small chapter pictures, I have worked with the publisher to have full page artwork included for many of the chapters.
I know Jared would love to get your feedback. You can find him at http://www.jaredsloger.com/
and see other artwork in various genres.
I will also have a new artist's corner in the revised website, which should be out sometime in mid to late March. You can also find some of Jared's work on my Facebook page. Just log into Facebook and type in my name and you'll find me!

I've enclosed a few pics for book 2 and will continue to roll out more as we approach publication date. Thanks! Eric
Very cool!
What can you say? These are phenomenal!
More coming soon!
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