Through the process I have come to terms with the fact that God's timing is not Eric's timing. If things occured on my time table, book 3 would be in stores and you would be going to the theatre to see the movie. So, where are we now?
There is still a core group that is making headway towards a film. Gold Pictures revised the script for "King's Sword," and wrote a script for "Ryann Watters and the Shield of Faith." They have put together a great proposal for filming both movies simultaneously and there are even some actors that are committed to being a part if/when the time comes (see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1858527/).

The studio continues to seek financing for the approximate $6 million budget for both films. Continue to keep that in your prayers. I am specifically praying that God will provide a "yes" answer this summer!
In regards to "Ryann Watters and the Belt of Truth," I have written five chapters and outlined the rest of the novel. The original studio bought back the rights to the first, two books, in my series from Creation House, so I am an author without a publisher as it stands right now. My agent wants to wait until funding for the movie comes in and the studio makes a major announcement, so that he can use that news to secure a new, and larger, publisher. He goal would be to have books one and two, re-released in paperback, with some rewrites based upon the movie (which I would enjoy doing) and then secure a contract for books three and four in the series.

Thanks for your prayer and patience. I hope to have more updates over the summer!
Glad to hear from you! Be neat to see you join up with Spearhead as well!
-Nathan Petrie
Thank you for the update! I've been wondering about Book Three for a long time, especially since my sister's (finally) getting into the books too.
I'm also glad to hear from you. :-) I'll be keeping you and Ryann Watters in my prayers. I hope you and your fam have a very blessed summer.
In His Grace,
~Ryan Paige Howard (Ryanheart)
Sorry the first concept fell through. I remembered you telling me something to that effect, but I thought that the two-film thing was already a go. Definitely praying, Bro. Maybe The Hobbit movies coming out would help get momentum for your movies.
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