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Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Massive "Curse of the Spider King" Contest!

Author friends of mine, Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper, have a great contest going on to promote their new book, Curse of the Spider King. Follow this link and check it out!

As you may recall (or not if you are new to my blog), I went on the Fantasy Fiction Tour this time last year with 7 amazing authors: Wayne, Chris, Donita K. Paul, Jonathan Rogers, L.B. Graham, Sharon Hinck, and Bryan Davis. The tour took us from Vancouver, BC down through Seattle, WA, Portland, OR and the Coast of California to our final destination - San Diego. The Miller Brothers joined us for the Northwest portion of the trip and it was an amazing 9 days of 3-a-day visits to schools, churches, and bookstores. If you haven't seen the videos, check out my archives from Oct. and Nov. 2008 or find them posted on Youtube under "the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour 2008.

I'm excited for Wayne and Christopher and their co-authored series. I recall them working furiously on their lap tops as we bounced down the highway in the 15 passenger van, periodically yelling out, "does anyone have a good synonym for ________?" These guys are crazy fun... so I'm sure it will be reflected in their joint effort! Get in on the contest and be a part of promoting Curse of the Spider King to all your friends!

If you want to see there zany side right now... check out the video below.


Wooton said...

Congratulations Mr. Reinhold, you just earned over a thousand Vanadils! :P

WayneThomasBatson said...

Yes, Thanks Eric! Very kind of you to post such a ringing endorsement!

Anonymous said...

I advertise everywhere! Anyway, join the Swiftstorm tribe! The fastest growing tribe in the game!

Precentor said...

Nice job Mr.Reinhold! Are you competing? Anyone with remains to give must be able to produce LOTS of points:P If your looking for a tribe check out Consecro (sanctified) Also called silver tree. We'de be glad*estatic:)* to have ya!
Millard of the shining light

Eric Reinhold said...

So many offers and so little time. I have a lot to offer to a tribe... who needs help?

Wooton said...

well, we (Silvertree) don't exactly need help, but you could join us if you wanted to :D

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't think you'd actually join any of them, but seeing that it seems you are. Join Swiftstorm! We're just topping 21 and we'd love to have you on our side!

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1