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Monday, September 7, 2009

Mount Dora Headlines: Warspiders Invade Quaint Rural Town!

Police are dumbfounded. Last night, on what should have been a typical lazy, end of Summer Sunday, downtown Mount Dora came under what one resident called, "an attack."

The lone eyewitness was a drifter named Noah Johnson, who admitted he sleeps on a park bench out behind the First Presbyterian Church. He was awakened by the crashing sounds of metal trash cans and newspaper boxes smashing on the street. After extensive questioning by police, the rattled homeless man could only say that he saw what looked to be

"enormous spiders racing down the street."

When he got up to take a closer look, he said they "jumped" up on buildings at Dora Drawdy Way and headed down the alley way past the Goblin Market and Mount Dora Coffee Shop.

Police confirmed that the rooftops along the route mentioned by Mr. Johnson had indeed been badly damaged. They followed the destruction to where it ended and taped off the area as a crime scene.

After not being able to get any further answers from police, I walked around the perimeter of the yellow tape and saw a local boy, Ryann Watters sneak out from the far end. Ryann appeared visibly shaken and when I asked him about what he had seen he told me he’d rather not talk about it, but he had taken numerous pictures of the remains they left behind. I asked him to show them to me and as we clicked through his pictures on his cell phone, strangely only one of them had turned out.

Ryann indicated that he’s friends with Mr. Johnson and that when he talked with him, the drifter described the encounter as some sort of attack, even going so far to call them "warspiders."

The idea of this sleepy little town coming under attack by giant spiders seems a little far-fetched to this reporter.

There are many unanswered questions, but my plan is to find a place to get comfortable behind the church tonight and see if the arachnids return.

ATTENTION: I this is the one picture that was developed from Ryann's camera. I finally got a copy and am able to post it today - Oct. 18, 2009!


Nathan R. Petrie said...

All I have to do is comment right? Nothing more?

I am diligent.

Anonymous said...

I am diligent. Do we comment here, or on the one photo of the remains left behind? And if that's the case, where is said photo?

Israle Surrnak said...

I am diligent
So I post this here?

Anonymous said...

I am diligent

Jacob R Parker said...

That's terrible! But what remains did they leave behind?

At least Ryann Watters wasn't the one being chased this time.

Wooton said...

That's terrible! Is this the first place the warspiders have attacked?

David said...

Oh, no! Warspiders! I am diligent, what may I do to help?

Eric Reinhold said...

You've proclaimed yourselves diligent and true, but you have not asked the right question to proceed!

If at first you don't succeed... try, try, again... and this time post your email in the dialog box so that if "you ask wisely" you and you alone will get the answer.

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Where are the remains?
May I see the photo?
Where are you hiding?
When may the attack again?
What remains did they leave?
Where were the spiders headed?
What did they take?
Whom did they destroy?
What did they ruin?
May I see the remains?
What remains?

One of those is bound to be it lol


Wooton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nathan R. Petrie said...

What may I do to help?
Who led the war spiders?
Was one named x?
This happened at 5 AM?


Eric Reinhold said...

As the upperclassmen would SCREAM at my alma matter (the U.S. Naval Academy)... "ARE YOU GUESSING MISTER REINHOLD!!!" when I was a plebe.

Hmmm... one question at a time. Patience is a virture as they say LOL.

David said...

Where are the remains?
How can I help?
How can I obtain the Great Secrets?
Where is the third clue?
How can I protect the Order of the Elves?
How do I become worthy?


Nathan R. Petrie said...

tehehe...sorry Mr. Reinhold

Wooton said...

I got it! Thanks!

Eric Reinhold said...

You're getting warmer, David.

Anonymous said...

Wow, am I the only one here who is taking their time and thinking about what the question is?

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm the only one that isn't close or hasn't got it yet too though.

Eric Reinhold said...

It's possible, Seth. You've heard of the comment, "think before you speak?" Most haven't these days LOL

Eric Reinhold said...

Dilience is good. Hey everyone, I am leaving for a quick trip to the coast and back, so for those of you who respond after 1 pm, you will have to wait for me to get home at 8 pm to get your answer (sorry).

Ian said...
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Ian said...

I am diligent, correct? Where are the remains, and what can I do to assist?

By the way, why did they attack? And when? But why did they attack here..or at all? And where will they attack next? And...have they attacked anywhere else before this?Hmmm...

How may I prove my diligence? And what are the remains, and where are they? I must know!

just in case...*adlkjfaf(at)gmail (dot)com * (Not a joke, that's my actual email address)


David said...

Am I worthy?
Why did the warspiders attack?
How may I prove my worthiness?


David said...

May I see a picture of the remains?


eat2live2278 said...

ian and seth, keep guesing the question, I'll be back home in 3 hours.

Storyteller SilverLoom said...

I am diligent.

Where is the photo of the remains left behind?


Thank you!

Ian said...

May I see the photo?

Why did they attack?

What's going on?!

Where are they going next?

Have they been anywhere else?

run for your lives! The warspiders are out..:P



Ian said...

...and what may I do to help? I am diligent and brave. There must be something...


Storm Marie White said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nisly_Family said...
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Nisly_Family said...

I like the story. Here's my questions:

Why did they attack this town if it's so small and unimportant?
Where is the photo Ryann took?
Are they coming back?


David said...

Ahahahaha! *headdesk*

I missed an entire paragraph the first time I read it, and so I spent forever trying to figure out what question to ask!

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

Lauren_Claire said...

May I see the picture?


Ian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ian said...

Ooops, got my email address wrong in one of the posts...

My actual email is



Storm Marie White said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Storyteller SilverLoom said...

May I SEE the photo of the remains?

(all this guessing is gonna drive me frantic! lol)


Ian said...

Why did the warspiders attack?

May I see the photo of the remains?



Anonymous said...

May I see the picture of the remains left behind?
What are the remains left behind?
Where are the remains left behind?

My email is smr411@gmail.com By the way, is there any way that if I get this right and you send me the email, that you could edit my email out of there. I don't want it available so easily on the internet.

Rissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rissa said...

I join the diligent.

A question, eh?

May I come with you this night to wait and watch for another attack?


Rissa said...

I'll try a shot at an Arthurian twist:

Whom do the spiders serve?

once again, kelenloth@gmail.com

Cson said...

I am diligent. Can I see the picture Ryann took of the remains?

Oh, and I really don't want to post my e-mail here, you can get it from Wayne Thomas Batson if you need it. Thanks!


Kayla said...

Interesting situation you've got. May I see the picture Ryann took, please?


BrittLass said...
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BrittLass said...

Warspiders have attacked. I am diligent. What can I do to help?

brittlass @ gmail.com

Rissa said...

I'm having the compulsion to ask more and more questions! sorry for all the comments already...

May I see the picture of that Ryann took of the remains left behind?

again, kelenloth@gmail.com

Precentor said...
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Precentor said...

where did they go after they got on the roof. Were was the boy? May I see the remains of it after they left? pambs01@verizon.net

Precentor said...

AHA What was in the "yellow tape"? Can I see the pics on the cell phone? pambs01@verizon.net


Emily said...
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Emily said...

Warspiders have made the headlines. I am diligent. What can I do to help?

BrittLass said...

May I see the remains?

brittlass @ gmail.com

Jordan said...

Can I see the photo?


Blackbird said...

I am deligent
May I see the photo of the remains?
Why did the Warspiders attack?
Did the Warspiders take anything?


Emily said...

Warspiders have made the headlines. I am diligent. May I see the photo the Ryann took?

My email in post above.

Precentor said...

I am diligent can I see the picture of what was inside the yellow tape? Please let me help how can I? Pambs01@verizon.net

Eowyn said...
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Rien.Tel said...

Warspiders have Attacked! I am diligent. My I see the remains?

Eric Reinhold said...

Rein Tel... sure, but I need your e-mail address to send it to you.

Rien.Tel said...

Oops! Sorry!

Here it is,


Blackbird said...

Can I see a photo of the remains?


I am deligent

owo xD said...

I am dilligent. May I see the photo of the remains?


Precentor said...

Chris, Are u the "other" chris already in the hunt? If so why do u want it agian? just curious, if you are not

Ivorydancer said...

I am diligent. May I see the Remains?

My email: hannahd94@gmail.com


R.P.H said...

I am diligent and would like to see the photo of the remains left behind please.


antikuity said...

I am diligent and would like to see the one picture that came out showing the remains left behind, please.

antikuity said...

Oh, sorry...email address is


Thomas Bracker said...

Warspiders have Attacked! I am diligent. May I see the remains?

My e-mail is tombracker13@gmail.com.


Anna said...

Evil Warspiders!

May I see the remains?


Eric Reinhold said...

Unfortunately, I am unable to keep up with the e-mails coming in, so I'm posting the pic now! You've all been diligent in asking for it :)

Prescott said...
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Unknown said...

Hey. Sorry, I'm a little behind. =)

I am diligent.
What does the E. stand for in the picture?

Thank you! =)

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm sorry. My email address is mermaidgirl45@yahoo.com. Thank you so much! =)

Unknown said...

Is it:

Why are there pants in the picture?
What do the pages say?
Why are there purple marks on the pants?

Thanks! =)

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Mermaidgirl, the clue that we were all trying to guess has now been added to the post. Check the picture Ryann took, that is the only clue you should need.

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1