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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pray for the Troops and their Families this Christmas

Arlington National
at Christmas

You may be interested to know that the wreaths laid at Arlington National Cemetery (some 5,000) are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
While we're celebrating Christmas and the birth of Jesus this year, take a few minutes to remember those who have unselfishly given their lives for our freedom and those that are currently away from loved ones serving overseas.

Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
Know the line has held, your job is done.
Rest easy, sleep well.
Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.
Peace, peace, and farewell...

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High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1