Now that Kaylyn (left) is 17 and Kara is 14, it's hard to imagine my girls ever being this small, but I wanted to go back to the beginning and let you know the genesis for my book series.
When I wasn't reading to the two of them (children's Bible pictured), I would tell them stories about three girls and their magical adventures. It was actually quite challenging, as they would recall the smallest details and I would have to work out ways to remember them myself as I picked up the story night after night.

"My girls are growing up!"
After a few months, Kaylyn said, "Dad, you should write a book so other kids can enjoy your stories."
That got me thinking... Yeah, I could do that!
And so the journey began...
It was around the same time that the first Harry Potter book had come out and my mind began thinking through the possibities... instead of witches and wizards, what could I use from the Bible that would make a great fantasy story for kids, but also incorporate truths from scripture? Ahhhh... angels, those of the light and those of darkness.

What about the setting? Well... I could make up a quaint town in the South. Then I visited Mount Dora, Florida, which is about 20-25 minutes from my house. It was perfect for my storyline.
There was Lake Dora, which provided the gateway to Aeliana, interesting alleyways, an old railroad track, an awesome bookstore right across the street from a church my heros woudl attend and quaint shoppes. Even the lighthouse to the left ends up being key in book 2.

Now you know some of the "rest of the story." I'll continue with other reflections on how my book came about in a most unusual way over the course of seven years.
So now I am curious; what were Terell and Ryann's names when they were girls? lol
I bet your daughters are proud that their dad never gave up his writing.
ST, I wonder if the bedtime stories were the same as Aeliana? lol
Mr. Reinhold, seems a lot of good writers started this way. It's pretty cool I think lol
Also, how goes the Belt of Truth? I say you let Lady Silverloom and I take an early look ;) ::hint hint:: lol
The 3 girls were Suzi, Jenny and Alice and I am in the midst of a sabbatical with writing. I've written a few chapters, but my wife, kids and work have been the areas I've been focusing on this year. I hope to put some attention back to it in 2010.
Awesome. Breaks are DEFINITELY needed. I've been on one for quite a while now. Finally jumping back into it lol I plan to be done by 2012 :)
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