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Here's where you will find the latest on what's going on with my books and the movie. It's also a great place to ask questions, where I recommend other books, and post different things bouncing around in my head. Look me up on Facebook and if you want to buy, signed, discounted, copies of my books, head over to http://www.ryannwattersbooks.com/.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Results are In...

Amazing results so far from the
Costco book signing.

Thanks for your support in my efforts to get the Ryann Watters Series into Costco. Saturday was rainy outside, but sunny inside! While I was barraged by a crowd lined up for hours outside the store (aka Sarah Palin book signings), I did have a steady stream of adults and children come by. It's actually more fun that way since you get to interact with everyone on a deeper level.

"Eric just before the book signing begins"

The first order of 72 books went in the first 1-/1/2 hours, so we had to break-out another 48 that we had in reserve. Those went over the next 1-1/2 hours and they want me to sign and drop off another 48 tomorrow. For those in town, don't let up... keep getting the word out. I'm going to talk to the Costco book distributor this week about using this success to get books in other stores.

One of the fun stories was a mother and son who had driven 2 hours to get to the signing. They were making a day of it to show up and talk, get the books signed that they already had and get another set for their church library. After we talked they were headed over to Mount Dora to explore the town. How fun!

The most encouraging aspect of the day was having parents come up to me and ask, "is your book religious?" as they looked at the 'Shield of Faith' title on my banner. I answered in the affirmative, that it was based on Ephesians 6 and the Armor of God. Every single adult said words to the effect of, "God bless you, we need more books like this for our kids."

I'll keep you posted on what happens with Costco. As a side note, I was miked up and filmed during the book signing by a group (to remain secret for now) that wants to make 'Ryann Watters and the King's Sword' into a movie. Stay tuned for the latest.



WayneThomasBatson said...

PRAISE GOD, Eric! That's outstanding news! WOOT! SWEET! I am getting chills, I'm so stoked for you.

The Hand of God is Mighty indeed!

Jonathan Maiocco said...

That's great! Congratulations! God is so awesome, isn't He? (Um, yes!)

Nathan R. Petrie said...

That's awesomeness so awesome I need a better word for it...how 'bout Watterness....no that's just cheesy ::shakes head::

Next time I'm in FL I'll be heading to Mount Dora too :P Is the book store still standing? Just closed? How's that? haha

Keep us updated! :D

Eric Reinhold said...

Nathan you have me laughing.

BlueBengal said...

Many congratulations Eric!! That's amazing that it was such a success for you!!! Wish I could have been there too. Probably could use a break from the cold weather we're having!

Eric Reinhold said...

I heard Baron was moving back to Omaha... so a reason for me and the family to come out there. Maybe we can do a few book signings when I do that. I'll come when it's not snowing!

High School student, Jason Derfuss films a summary video of book 1